Fabulosity Chapter One: Self- Belief & Confidence Law #1 (part one)

Law Number one: If You’re Gonna Buy Caviar, Make It Beluga


What I took away from this part of chapter one is that if you want to be successful you need to  learn to try! Not that Kimora is telling me something I didn’t already know. Sometimes I do not try thing because I scared to fail or I think I need to finish college then i will try. But I  need to get up and get busy living my dreams even if they are not my reality yet. But don’t just dream set goals and work towards them daily.

I have to believe in my dreams first before I can ask someone else too. Then learn to have self confidence because when you are

Source: KLS.com

Source: KLS.com

confident in yourself you are able to believe in your dreams more. You began to understand that there is nothing you can’t do if you keep God first and apply yourself. Its  a course not that easy because there will be tough times but that why you have to keep God first in all that you do. When you find yourself not able to focus you know you can turn to God to keep you going and HE will give you all that you need to move forward. Most important make sure the plan you have for yourself is inline with the one God has for you. If it isn’t then make some changes! Because there is nothing better than what God has for you period!

Also, don’t wait for anyone to tell you have potential. You should be already tapping into your talents and master your craft. Don’t be in a rush take the time to know who you are first. Trust and know you are wroth getting to know verses some boy that may not be apart of your life. Yet, even after he is gone you will still be there so why start investing in yourself now than later. “Keep the momentum moving forward and know that it is easier to make adjustments once you’re in motion than if you’re frozen on the spot (Simmons p.1 pg. 19). Never allow yourself to come to a stand still keep moving and growing!

She start this part of the chapter her fundamentals of her ground zero for success that she has called “Grand Aspiration Theory”  aka The G.A.T and  they are the following:

  1. High aspirations breed frustration. 
  2. Frustration breeds motivation.
  3. Motivation pushes you to action-  whether you take tiny baby steps or huge strides.
  4. Action breeds confidence; you start to feel in control.
  5. Confidence is cumulative: Once you start acquiring it, you get more of it.
  6. Soon enough, you prove to yourself that you’re a star who can surmount any obstacle and achieve whatever you decide you want to achieve with your life. You’re on a roll!

I leave you with this thought. Your dreams or goals are not as far out reach as you think. When we were learning to walk it was not over night. Was it? No.  We stumbled and fail many times before we got our balance to take our first step. So we need to get ourselves balanced before we take our steps towards any of our dreams or goals. Don’t forget our step are ordered by God so don’t forget to follow HIS lead. If we’re following HIS lead we’ll about balance and we’ll be about step out on thing called FAITH!

Be Balanced. With Love, Dee.

P.s. If you know me you know Kimora is one of my fave people! don’t ask me why its taking me this long to read the book! but its amazing!!!!

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